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email marketing

email marketing

Email Marketing – The Problem With It

    My email marketing has been dormant for any number of reasons yet I instinctively know that it is one of the best ways to connect with your fan base, build relationships and generate sales. So when I received an email from NAMS today, I sat up and took notice. I thought the email was worth sharing here too for everyone else to think about. “Email marketing is one of the areas I find my students get the most stuck. But it’s also the area that can drive the most profits in your business so when I hear people are stuck,… Read More »Email Marketing – The Problem With It

    get more subscribers

    Convert Visitors To Subscribers

      When someone visits your website and leaves, it’s a good chance that they won’t come back. Why would they if there is no compelling reason to do so? You know we all act impulsively on the web – so much so that we can quickly forget what web pages we were on a few minutes ago! Fact remains, your visitor may not come back to your website again.  Ouch! If 1,000 people visit your website, leave and never come back just imagine the potential revenue opportunity lost. If you could have converted a fraction of those visitors into customers, you’d be doing better on your bottom line. Sure,… Read More »Convert Visitors To Subscribers

      email marketing

      Get Rid of the Weakest Link in Your Business

        You know what? I’m picking up some great tips from a few of the emails I’m getting lately. Yes, I get a ton of email to my general inbox and it can take time to sort the weed from the blooms but there are some people’s emails that never get deleted on my first glance through the inbox, even if I have no time. Sean Mize is one of them. He is just downright sensible. Non-pitchy. Take today’s example of an email. This is the guts of it apart from a brief intro and outro. What is the weakest link in… Read More »Get Rid of the Weakest Link in Your Business

        7 Business Uses For Autoresponders

          Autoresponders are one of those time-saving inventions. Automating the emailing of clients and prospects has meant one can batch-create a series of messages and schedule them to be sent out at a pre-determined time sequence.  Few businesses today do not use them, even if it’s only to send a monthly newsletter. There are lots of benefits to using an Autoresponder and here are a few – check if you are taking full advantage. Maintain a client database. One critical saleable element to any business is the quality of its database. If you can maintain a list of current clients then… Read More »7 Business Uses For Autoresponders

          What I learned today

            Learning is a lifelong process and that is never more true than in online marketing! With that in mind, here are a few things I picked up today that may also be useful to you… Email Marketing Avoid using a free email account address as your reply email for your email autoresponder messages or campaigns. Use your own domain name email rather than eg a gmail address. It improves deliverability. If you don’t have a website, spend $10 and buy a domain name just for using as an email server for your email marketing. I recommend and use NameCheap. When you are… Read More »What I learned today

            Workable List Building Tips Part 2

              Building a list is one of the biggest challenges of internet marketing and yet it is one of the most profitable.  Having a good database of repeat clients is the mainstay of any business. Yesterday we went through 7 tips to help you get more people on your list. Today we run through another 7. Of course, quantity is not more important than quality. The better you treat your list the longer they will stay with you and the more likely they will be to buy from you.  Churn and burn is not a model I subscribe to! Here are… Read More »Workable List Building Tips Part 2