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Mel Day Internet MarketerHey there! Thanks for stopping by. I’m Mel Day and I’ve been running offline businesses for years in wholesale sporting goods, the recruitment industry and management consultancy.

Since 1998 I’ve been involved with the internet. They were the days when you had to know code to get by and pretty much everything was free as people shared their knowledge.

Nowadays I set up and run a number of internet businesses in various spaces.

I’ve suffered with the affliction many people have when starting their online business – information overload, analysis paralysis, busy-bee syndrome and sheer lack of focus.

With this site I want to be able to help out the average person who is serious about building a solid internet business and doesn’t want to be hit by hype, paranoia and piranha-like sales tactics. is about firing up your online business efforts. What works, what doesn’t, how to stay motivated, how to figure things out, and more.

What I love about IM is that it is a never-ending loop of learning. Just when you think you’ve got it down pat, something else opens up you want to learn.

Never boring, often frustrating and always changing.

Here at RHIM I share what I learn and save you the mistakes. I also let people know of any great deals that I’m prepared to support. Drop by for resources and tools.

Get fired up!