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Product Creation


Super Duper PLR Deal On Now

    It’s on again! Every year, Jimmy Brown compiles the mother of high-value PLR. This year is no exception and it is a terrific deal. I’ve followed Jimmy for years and he is one of the good guys: a genuine and generous marketer who only puts out quality material that you can use – without the fluff and padding common these days. Look at what he has included in this years package … In fact, you check out the sales page, you’ll even get an education in PLR – from its beginnings to how to use it! You’ll also learn by… Read More »Super Duper PLR Deal On Now

    royalty free images photos

    Premium Stock Photos – Lifetime License – Black Friday Special!

      Visual images are the currency of the day. If you want to engage your audiences then compelling and high quality photos are key to achieving that. Luckily the minefield of navigating the web for decent photographic images just got easier. Ed is offering up his ENTIRE collection (6500+ images) for a one-time license fee (and it’s a c-r-a-z-y price!!). Not only that but he’ll be adding 200 photos every month. When you think of the sites offering images at $1 a pop or more then this is a killer saving.  BUT it’s only available for BLACK FRIDAY until Dec 1,… Read More »Premium Stock Photos – Lifetime License – Black Friday Special!



        Barb Ling has done it again. Faster than a match being lit she has pulled together a bunch of resources and tools to help ANY internet marketer take full advantage of the Black Friday sales period. It doesn’t matter if you’re an Affiliate Marketer, sell PLR, Create Products or whatever. This has got some brilliant ideas and options here for you. This is a 40 page report in typical Ling style. A few whacky phrases and a whole lot of useful information. Ling is a master at extracting data from search engines and she doesn’t disappoint. Of the 40 pages, 36… Read More »CASH IN ON BLACK FRIDAY Review

        7 Final Tips To Easily Get Ideas and Create Hot Products: 5 of 5

          7 Final Ideas For You In the series we’ve looked at ideas for creating products from scratch, from other existing products and what type of product to deliver. Now we’re at the closing stages of product creation with some more ideas to help. And here they are. Notes follow the video. 29 Before you launch your new baby out into the world, test-drive it! Read it over, check for errors, make sure the quality is there. Importantly, make sure your info product does what it says it will do. 30 We can be too close to our products. Engage a… Read More »7 Final Tips To Easily Get Ideas and Create Hot Products: 5 of 5

          7 Bonus Tips To Easily Get Ideas and Create Hot Products: 4 of 5

            Creating information products are a great way to make money online. Being able to come up with ideas for a product is one thing. But it may not seem doable. There are other ways. Let’s look at some of those. 22 Sometimes, coming up with your own product from scratch still seems a dream. Build your confidence by being an affiliate for someone else’s product. Watch what they produce and how they do it. 23 If you dig around you might be able to have an affiliate product as a ‘white label’ product. That allows you to brand it and… Read More »7 Bonus Tips To Easily Get Ideas and Create Hot Products: 4 of 5

            7 Extra Tips to Get Ideas and Create Products: 3 of 5

              7 Extra Ideas You Can Use Creating information products are a great way to make money online. Being able to come up with ideas for a product is one thing. You also need to think about how to put it together. Let’s focus on that this time. Notes below the video. 15 Maybe you don’t think your idea for a product is solid enough. How about consider combining two okay product ideas so that you create one great one? 16 A descriptive product might be useful but it’s way more meaningful and appealing for a potential buyer if each product… Read More »7 Extra Tips to Get Ideas and Create Products: 3 of 5