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    Barb Ling has done it again. Faster than a match being lit she has pulled together a bunch of resources and tools to help ANY internet marketer take full advantage of the Black Friday sales period.

    It doesn’t matter if you’re an Affiliate Marketer, sell PLR, Create Products or whatever. This has got some brilliant ideas and options here for you.

    This is a 40 page report in typical Ling style. A few whacky phrases and a whole lot of useful information. Ling is a master at extracting data from search engines and she doesn’t disappoint.

    Of the 40 pages, 36 are fully dedicated to content with the balance being the usual TOC, acknowledgements, links to other products etc.

    The report itself is broken into 7 sections – one section each specifically covering what you need to know for each area of Internet Marketing.

    Ling gives you a heads up on the are in question then tells you how you can use that info for your benefit. Anything you need to access online has a direct link to it eg where to get your Amazon Affiliate ID from.

    She then tells you how to do the thing complete with more links and screen shots so you can follow along step by step.

    This format is covered for each of the areas – affiliate marketing, amazon, ebay, plr, product creation, list building.

    Wrapping things up at the end, Barb tells you what you need to do next.

    What I like about this report is the paint-by-numbers approach. You can just go to the section you’re wanting to kick off with first and work it! No fluffing about. No war stories. No padding. Just the facts and the exact how-to.

    What I didn’t like about Barb’s report was it was a bit too matter-of-fact. Her personality comes through but I would’ve liked a tad more of an introduction and conclusion but really these are very minor points.

    This Cash In On Black Friday IM Edition is a BUY if you operate in IM and want to take advantage of holiday sales. But you need to start NOW. As Barb says …



    Check out my previous reviews of current Barb Ling products:

    6 thoughts on “CASH IN ON BLACK FRIDAY Review”

    1. Great review, Mel. I hope it helps you to cash in on Black Friday this year. I’ve never done much with the holidays because I’m still learning the ropes. I’m working on things for next year instead of rushing to do stuff for this year. This report may be something I have to think about.

      1. Have to say the report makes the idea of putting products up for the BF sales way less intimidating – and it’s universal techniques, not just BF.

    2. I hope Barb’s report helps you cash in for Black Friday.

      I won’t be doing affiliate sales much for the holidays as I want to hunker down and get more products listed in my PLR store.

      I can cash in next year on Black Friday. LOL 🙂

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