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Do You Profit From Repeatable Systems?

    Eons ago, when the Earth was young, I had thoughts of becoming a Trainer. Sage advice was passed to me. “You can’t make money in Training: you never get paid for your development time”. That sounded wise and I believed it. Having had my own successful Training Consultancy now for ten years, I can recognise the naivety in that advice. You can make plenty of profit from training by developing once and selling multiple times. The same model works for marketing online. Start, do it once, then do it again and again. Create or source a product. Build an option… Read More »Do You Profit From Repeatable Systems?

    The Top 3 Changes in WordPress 3.9: It’s Here

      The latest, freshest iteration of WordPress was released today and is waiting in an Admin panel near you . The key changes you’ll notice are: * being able to cut and paste content into post cleanly! including from MS Word * better uploading and editing capabilities for images * ability to have video and audio playlists Aside from that there are a range of other enhancements in the back-end. The look and feel of WP hasn’t changed in itself but many will find media management and manipulation way easier. I’m off to play with it now πŸ™‚

      How Many Plugins Are Too Many?

        If you’re using any blogging platform or cms you will be amazed and dare I say overwhelmed with the range and number of add-ons available by way of plugins, modules and so on. When I was working on an issue on one of my sites today I was flabbergasted to realise that I had installed over 40 plugins on that WordPress site. Sometimes I will install a plugin because it sounds interesting and is a neat new feature to add. Or it may be add some useful functionality in the back-end. But it’s a bit like adding extra options to… Read More »How Many Plugins Are Too Many?

        Stuck With Your Internet Plans?

          Sometimes we get so busy DOING stuff that we forget to step back and look at the whole process. We focus so much on producing and publishing and promoting that we lose sight of the purpose of what we’re doing. I had a bit of an ah-ha moment this morning as I grappled with plans for next year. The realization hit that I failed to define who my target market was and what their problem was that I was trying to solve for them. *facepalm! Plumber’s taps syndrome. I teach these basic things to my budding business people offline and… Read More »Stuck With Your Internet Plans?

          How Do You Know You’re Being Unrealistic?

            You feel it in your body, or your mental state, or your mood. You feel overwhelmed, like you’re not achieving what you need or want to achieve. You rail against things.

            I have been trying to head into a full time life online without closing out the obligations from my former life. Sometimes you need to be realistic in your expectations of what you actually achieve, and focus on the priorities (especially ones impacting others).

            I realised I fell for the trap of the excitement and possibilities of the new and compared that to the drudgery of the admin of the old that I’d let slide.

            Time to stop being a child.

            I’m making plans for 2014 and they get clearer everyday.

            I am now consciously putting implementation on hold until I complete outstanding issues. Then I can kick off 2014 with an actionable plan, free of guilt or mental encumbrance. Fresh!

            Had IRead More »How Do You Know You’re Being Unrealistic?

            A Simple Marketing Plan


              1. Great ideas start with frustrations. What frustrations have you got? What frustrations do your delegates have? What frustrations do your managers have? Somewhere in there is a good idea and the potential for a great product solution.

              .2 Build great support documentation. Help guides, FAQs etc are invaluable and if you use screen capture tools like Jing! then it’s easy. Remember some like to read, some watch, some listen – so make a mix of materials.

              3. Create a marketing calendar. By each month, ask what promotion you can create for each month – a reason for buying each month. Some people just need a reminder and a monthly marketing piece may nudge them. People who are on selling your programs love this because they have something to say as well! Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, sports events, other events eg Sydney Festival in January.

              4. HaveRead More »A Simple Marketing Plan