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Get More Productive

    I’m always looking for ways to be more productive. It’s a never-ending quest – I don’t know that I’ll ever be satisfied thinking “that’s the best I can do”. Even a little 1% improvement daily can lead to huge gains longer term. That’s why I read a lot about how other people approach their business and how they operate to get more done. The best people to look at are those who are prolific. Sean Mize is one of those. He seems to always have a huge catalog or work behind him and whether you like his practice or not… Read More »Get More Productive

    internet marketing - overcome obstacles

    Goals: Are Obstacles Stopping You?

      I’ve taught goal setting and achieving for years. I’ve had a lot of success with my course participants having accomplished many targets they set themselves. But you know the story about plumbers’ taps? Yep. I’m not as good at setting and achieving my goals as I would like to be. Actually, that’s not true. I set goals. Lots of them. I know my targets. What I am challenged with is keeping on to achieve those goals. It reminds me of a Henry Ford quote.   A lot of solopreneurs have this challenge. There are so many daily obstacles to reaching… Read More »Goals: Are Obstacles Stopping You?

      2013 – a Whole New Year


        Did 2012 blitz past or what?

        This is now the time of year we’re supposed to sit back, take stock, revel in our accomplishments and reflect on what could be better.

        But who has time for that?!?

        It’s just rush, rush, rush … at least at my house it is.

        Yet it is necessary to review and plan ahead so we don’t end up next year in much the same place.  

        So, before the New Year hits, what one thing could you focus in this coming year to direct your efforts?

        For me, it’s actually FOCUS.

        If I look back over 2012 I can see I started lots of projects but few are completed and making money. I can be easily distracted – by anything really, but especially checking email, surfing the web for even more information, getting caught up on forums, and switching between activities and projects.

        So this year my one question I’ll keep asking myselfRead More »2013 – a Whole New Year

        Overcoming Obstacles: Getting Through The Mud

          It’s only the tenth day of the year and I’m already feeling overwhelmed!

          The cold hard truth is that completing tasks and meeting objectives in business is just hard. As soon as I start something there’s an extra step I have to do before I can go forward; that feeling of overwhelm seems to stop me in my tracks; and then of course there’s my old friend, procrastination! Each of these serves to block the path ahead.

          I remember when my nephew (he’s 44 now – eek!) was very young and starting to dress himself. He’d pull up his pants so high they were almost at his neck.

          I’m employing that memory to help me. The way through this sludge is to pull my pants up high and get on with it.

          The only way through is through and if I can convince myself there’s a sense of urgency around it, I can get throughRead More »Overcoming Obstacles: Getting Through The Mud

          Plans, Goals and Achievements

            I love the concept of a fresh new year as I turn the page of the calendar over and peer into all that blank space ahead. The future seems full of promise and opportunity. It’s like we’re given another chance to get it all right from now on in. As the clock rings in a New Year, we’re given the chance to reflect on our past, remember our achievements and learn from our failures. New Year’s Resolutions are etched with fervour and wonderful intentions: lose weight give up smoking/drinking watch less TV drink more water spend more time with xxx… Read More »Plans, Goals and Achievements