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How To Write Better

    Ok so here’s the deal. I’m checking out this new gizmo to really motivate the writing habit.

    See, people on forums and blogs that I read are invariably fessing up about the fact that they know they have to write / love to write / want to write but just don’t do it. For whatever reason.

    It could be that ‘blank sheet = blank mind’ kind of thing.

    Or maybe they have so many ideas popping into their head they don’t know where to start.

    For some it’s a matter of not feeling worthy ‘but so many people have written about this before and so much better, what have I got to contribute, who’d want to hear me say it” or some other variation of self doubt.

    The whole point being that either people then procrastinate before actually getting the writingRead More »How To Write Better

    How To Write Your Book: Eat An Elephant (Pt 1)

      “They” always say that to eat an elephant, take one bite at a time.

      Whoever eats elephants anyway?

      The principle holds true, though. If you have a big hairy task in front of you that seems onerous and huge, start somewhere and start small.

      So it is with writing a  book.

      1-day-ill-write-a-book Here’s a method for getting it done in a relatively painless manner.

      1. Decide on your overall theme or overriding topic
      2. Break that up into a series of smaller themes or sub-topics
      3. Pick one sub-topic you know enough about or research one to gather information
      4. Write 10 – 20 pages on that sub-topic. That’s 3000-6000 words, give or take. Oh, and try to write it in ONE sitting. Clear your desk, your mind and your computer screen. DedicateRead More »How To Write Your Book: Eat An Elephant (Pt 1)

      How To Get Content For Your Blog

        I love simplicity.The concept of a blog is simple.

        Some idea or topic or event stimulates your thinking.

        You put your thoughts ‘out there’ and you’ve posted a blog entry.

        Yet writing a blog, consistently, seems to be anything but simple.

        write blog post, we can do it

        I’ve come across a lot of ideas for making the task easier and this is one of those “keeper” ideas from Victoria Pinchon (Forbes magazine)

        Victoria espouses a routine process for being able to be such a prolific blogger. Here is her plan:

        1. Work out what you want to blog about – a keyword phrase or topic if you will.

        2. Plug that phrase into your search engine of choice. You can filter your search by only choosing blogs or news items or restricting the recency to the last week, last month etc.

        3. As you cruise the search results, something will catch your eye. It might be a statement or an idea.  Now you can start writing …

        4. Take that ‘discovery’Read More »How To Get Content For Your Blog

        14 Ideas to Write About on Your Blog

          There are times when you just sit in front of your keyboard and wonder ‘What the heck am I going to write about today?!?!?!?” Often we do that because we are looking for that one inspirational idea. Well, don’t wait for inspiration, that’s one of the causes of writer’s block (and empty blogs!) If you have a product or business blog then you’ll have lots of ideas on what to write about … product reviews, new products or services, case studies, how to use your product or services and so on. If you write a personal blog then you sometimes… Read More »14 Ideas to Write About on Your Blog

          Increase Your Blog’s Life

            Blogging sounds great and everyone thinks they should have one … but they are work. Here’s a guide by denise wakeman on social media examiner that everyone should read. it will help to make blogging operate much more smoothly and increase your chances of success.   10 Steps for Starting Your Blog Before you get to the nitty-gritty of setting up your blog, there is some pre-work to do. This will ensure you start right and put your best foot forward 1. Before you do anything else, examine the reasons why you want to publish a blog. What is the purpose… Read More »Increase Your Blog’s Life