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filing systems

How To Keep Organized – 5 Tips

    One of the nightmares of the online digital world is the sheer volume of “stuff”. That stuff could be your own products that you’ve created. It might be PLR that you intend to rewrite and use. Maybe courses, Webinars or teleseminars you’ve attended. Reports, bonuses, and a plethora of freebies and giveaways. I’m sure there’s more!

    If you are diligent and highly methodical, as you download something you file it to its right place. If you’re less so, it gets dumped into an “I’ll get back to that later” folder and later never comes. Before you know it gigabytes have been swallowed by your lack of systematic administration.

    I’m no saint here: my drives (that’s plural) are full of stuff that I plan to do something with … if only I remembered that I had it before I downloaded it again, or can find it again! My drives are in dire need ofRead More »How To Keep Organized – 5 Tips