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5 Essential Things To Do to SEO Your Domain

    SEO is less of a dark art and more of knowing what to do to improve your chance of being ranked and found in the search results. One critical SEO process is ensuring you set up your domains in Google’s webmaster tools. Changing your website in any way – adding a new domain, moving a site from subdomain to root, upgrading to SSL/HTTPS – means you need to help Google to find you properly. I know I have been guilty of buying a domain, getting my website set up, feeling pleased with how the site looks and then … crickets.… Read More »5 Essential Things To Do to SEO Your Domain

    SSL implemented fully

    Setting Up SSL – The Full Story

      SSL is the new world of the web and if you don’t have it then be prepared to drop in the rankings and possibly lose prospective customers. Setting up SSL is a task in itself. I hired someone to do that for me because my host did not allow Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificates. I had to use a different system and to be frank I couldn’t be bothered learning how to do it. I had better things to spend my time on. What I did learn though is that it is simple but not easy. Lot’s of fiddling with nameservers,… Read More »Setting Up SSL – The Full Story