It’s my nephew’s birthday today.
Wow, how did that happen?
I can recall him as a long, skinny somewhat jaundiced baby when he was born. Pure delight with a tinge if concern.
All his life he’s been a cute redhead. Only an issue when his family moved to a new area and he became ‘ranga’. All his life he’s been amiable and caring and devoted to his grandma.
I don’t get to see much of him since his grandfather died and his mum fell out with the rest of the family over the will.
But I took time out today to reflect on his life and what he has meant to me. By pausing I realized that he probably had no idea of that! I’m not sure the underpants and movie tickets I sent him for his birthday adequately express that!
I need to rectify that before I get too busy again.
Anyone you need to pause and reflect over to enhance a relationship?