The Customer is King
Seems not in the online world where ‘content is king’ resounds more strongly.
Had a great example of this recently.
I’m spending time with some young guns to learn more about internet marketing – there’s always something else to learn in this game. I’m paying a hundred bucks a month to access their knowledge, tools and lessons. So, as any customer of mine would expect, I’m expecting regular content and activity as promised in their marketing materials.
For ten days I’ve had nothing but sales letters from their autoresponder.
No updates to their site. No feedback from comments on the blog. No responses to questions. No new content. No feedback on ‘assignments’.
So I sent an email and queried this. For all I knew I may have been inadvertently disabled in their course system. I also pointed out it was a good lesson to learn – to keep in touch with your paying customers in termsRead More »The Customer is King