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seo-google search console

5 Essential Things To Do to SEO Your Domain

    SEO is less of a dark art and more of knowing what to do to improve your chance of being ranked and found in the search results. One critical SEO process is ensuring you set up your domains in Google’s webmaster tools. Changing your website in any way – adding a new domain, moving a site from subdomain to root, upgrading to SSL/HTTPS – means you need to help Google to find you properly. I know I have been guilty of buying a domain, getting my website set up, feeling pleased with how the site looks and then … crickets.… Read More »5 Essential Things To Do to SEO Your Domain

    check broken links

    SEO Tip – Install Broken Link Plugin

      Broken links or outdated links can really harm your SEO efforts. Getting ranked is problematic if search engines see lots of 404’s and more being returned. In migrating a website from one CMS platform to another I chose to use an online broken link checker. There are a few available for free. Some will give a complete listing, others will give a sample. Some will check all your site, some you can just check a directory. I am running my development on a test site. Using the online tools was useful but tedious. If all else fails – check the… Read More »SEO Tip – Install Broken Link Plugin

      seo links sitemaps yoast

      Are Your Links Working For You?

        Backlinks. Inbound links. Broken links. Indexed links. SEO thrives or dies on links. I’ve been across all of those lately, spending an inordinate amount of time to discover what would have taken a WebMaster a fraction of the time to achieve. Firstly I had major issues trying to get Yoast SEO to generate a sitemap which Google WebMaster would recognise. Hours of searching, trial and error led me to try another plugin. Still an issue. Then another plugin. Still an issue. So, I gave up with plugin-land and went old-school. If you search online you can generate a nifty little… Read More »Are Your Links Working For You?

        SEO your website

        Latest SEO Learning in 2017

          So, Ive been knee-deep in prepping to migrate and upgrade an old site. As always happens when you start one thing in tech-land, a bunch of other item popped up demanding attention. First it was updating WP itself along with its associated plugins and themes. Then an enforced trip to Google Webmaster tools which I’d not looked at for a while highlighted a few issues such as soft-404s and other errors. “Well, may as well fix ’em while I’m here” I thought. So, I did. (I may have been better being disciplened and pencilling those tasks for later while I continued… Read More »Latest SEO Learning in 2017

          website performance - online marketing

          Website Plugins and Performance

            Today was one of those days. I planned to complete a project. Then I had a minor issue on a website. Then I started searching for a solution. That led me to making improvements to two of my websites. And absorbing about 4 hours of my time! I could have stopped and got back on plan. But that curiosity got me hooked in to working out a solution. So I checked me sites on GTMetrix – they give a great breakdown of what’s needed to improve your site performance with details of what to do – and it’s FREE! Top service.… Read More »Website Plugins and Performance

            blog stats

            Checked Out Your Stats Lately?

              I know it’s something I don’t pay enough attention to – my numbers. I have SlimStat set up on my blog and occasionally tap into it to see whether my blog is trending up and what posts are more effective. I have Google Webmaster which I rarely visit yet I should because it provides a terrific set of data to analyse what’s happening on your blog and where it can be improved. Online sites that give you a quick analysis of your blog are also useful. One I looked at today gave me a Keyword Analysis of my site. The… Read More »Checked Out Your Stats Lately?