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What’s Your Excuse?

    I meet lots of people in my development work. 99% of those people join my workshops because they are not making progress; they’re not where they want to be, doing what they want to be doing. 100% of them have a reason why. And they’re all excuses. You’re either getting results or you’re giving reasons. Which are you? Become someone who makes progress. Get into this June Challenge – have a look here – or go to Stretch Yourself Challenge Workshop. (aff link)

    Productive Habits: Have You Got Them?

      If you’re not getting the results you expect for yourself or your business, look to your habits and behaviours. Excellence then is not an act but a habit. When we review our performance we often have a tendency to look at things ‘out there’ to explain why things didn’t go as planned: Facebook keep changing the rules; Amazon Kindle is saturated; no-one gives you the whole picture; my coach let me down; I wasn’t told about xyz; whatever. These may have an element of truth in them but frequently they are excuses. Look within. Look at how you spend your… Read More »Productive Habits: Have You Got Them?

      When Life Gets Good

        G’day! It’s Sunday night and I’ve had a great weekend. I’m looking out at the boats bobbing like drunken sailors on the inky black silk of the harbour waters. The night sky above the Bridge is bristling with bats. Ferries quietly carry night owls home from the City and the train rumbles in the distance. It’s a pretty good time for reflection. I can’t sleep anyway, mesmerised as I am with the winking lights of the Harbour! On reflection, over the past week these were most of my productive tasks: – one blog post a day for the week and… Read More »When Life Gets Good