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2012 Social Media Resolutions

New Year Resolutions – Social Media

    Well here we are in mid-February and today I happened upon this site by researching what people intend to do with their social media tools this year. Makes for interesting reading. Seems most folk are separating out their personal and other contacts to share differently with. Many are being a little more discreet (although not sure that’s universal seeing some of the messages lately!)  Finally, more people intend to dedicate less time to their social media interactions. Me? I’m on Twitter, Facebook , Linked in and Foursquare. The last one I got caught up in early – the competitive side of… Read More »New Year Resolutions – Social Media

    2013 – a Whole New Year


      Did 2012 blitz past or what?

      This is now the time of year we’re supposed to sit back, take stock, revel in our accomplishments and reflect on what could be better.

      But who has time for that?!?

      It’s just rush, rush, rush … at least at my house it is.

      Yet it is necessary to review and plan ahead so we don’t end up next year in much the same place.  

      So, before the New Year hits, what one thing could you focus in this coming year to direct your efforts?

      For me, it’s actually FOCUS.

      If I look back over 2012 I can see I started lots of projects but few are completed and making money. I can be easily distracted – by anything really, but especially checking email, surfing the web for even more information, getting caught up on forums, and switching between activities and projects.

      So this year my one question I’ll keep asking myselfRead More »2013 – a Whole New Year