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7 Ways To Get More Done

    Time management is a pain. I can go through periods of demonic production and at other times I can be like the laziest beach bum around. If I could just harness those extremes together and be more consistent I know I can get more done. Well, here’s what I’m working on to do just that. 1. Putting together a short list of essential must-do’s – and do this at night so when I wake up I don’t have to think. I just do. I can spend a  lot of time flapping about and being unfocused so this is one way… Read More »7 Ways To Get More Done

    morning routines

    7 Morning Routines to Adopt

      I know, I know. You’re busy enough already. But seriously, if you’re not improving you’re standing still and the world keeps moving without you. Successful people are habitual and the habits they inculcate serve them, or they wouldn’t keep doing them. So learn from those who are successful and apply their practices to your life. Maybe you can emulate their success. Anik Singal recently posted about 7 Things Rich People Do Every Morning and from my viewpoint they are worthy of trialling and testing to see  what improvement you can make over 30 days. Read Every Day. Read to learn,… Read More »7 Morning Routines to Adopt

      Productivity Tip – Weekend Plans

        Weekends are great. They give you a chance to connect with others, rejuvenate your brain and body and unplug from the everyday. For some it’s the only time they get to work ON their business. Make sure you carve out 30-60 minutes from the weekend to sit down uninterrupted. Get a coffee or tea. Grab a pen and paper. Jot down all the things that worked well for you last week. What you attempted, what you got done, what you achieved. Think about the week in a positive way if it wasn’t all good news for you. Pull out the… Read More »Productivity Tip – Weekend Plans

        What’s Your Excuse?

          I meet lots of people in my development work. 99% of those people join my workshops because they are not making progress; they’re not where they want to be, doing what they want to be doing. 100% of them have a reason why. And they’re all excuses. You’re either getting results or you’re giving reasons. Which are you? Become someone who makes progress. Get into this June Challenge – have a look here – or go to Stretch Yourself Challenge Workshop. (aff link)

          get results in affiliate marketing

          Get More Productive

            I’m always looking for ways to be more productive. It’s a never-ending quest – I don’t know that I’ll ever be satisfied thinking “that’s the best I can do”. Even a little 1% improvement daily can lead to huge gains longer term. That’s why I read a lot about how other people approach their business and how they operate to get more done. The best people to look at are those who are prolific. Sean Mize is one of those. He seems to always have a huge catalog or work behind him and whether you like his practice or not… Read More »Get More Productive

            Are you downloading too much?

            Are You Downloading Too Much?

              You know how it goes. An email pops into your inbox. It contains an interesting offer that might be useful for you later. You click on “buy” and get taken to the download page after jumping a couple of hoops.The info looks good so you download the product, grab the bonuses … and save it all to your ‘To Review’ folder. Next thing you know you’re surfing the web and find a few good templates so you download those for later. While you’re checking Facebook a sponsored post pops up offering a free report that’s very tempting … so you click… Read More »Are You Downloading Too Much?