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Productivity Tip – Weekend Plans

    Weekends are great. They give you a chance to connect with others, rejuvenate your brain and body and unplug from the everyday. For some it’s the only time they get to work ON their business. Make sure you carve out 30-60 minutes from the weekend to sit down uninterrupted. Get a coffee or tea. Grab a pen and paper. Jot down all the things that worked well for you last week. What you attempted, what you got done, what you achieved. Think about the week in a positive way if it wasn’t all good news for you. Pull out the… Read More »Productivity Tip – Weekend Plans

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    Get More Productive

      I’m always looking for ways to be more productive. It’s a never-ending quest – I don’t know that I’ll ever be satisfied thinking “that’s the best I can do”. Even a little 1% improvement daily can lead to huge gains longer term. That’s why I read a lot about how other people approach their business and how they operate to get more done. The best people to look at are those who are prolific. Sean Mize is one of those. He seems to always have a huge catalog or work behind him and whether you like his practice or not… Read More »Get More Productive

      When Life Gets Good

        G’day! It’s Sunday night and I’ve had a great weekend. I’m looking out at the boats bobbing like drunken sailors on the inky black silk of the harbour waters. The night sky above the Bridge is bristling with bats. Ferries quietly carry night owls home from the City and the train rumbles in the distance. It’s a pretty good time for reflection. I can’t sleep anyway, mesmerised as I am with the winking lights of the Harbour! On reflection, over the past week these were most of my productive tasks: – one blog post a day for the week and… Read More »When Life Gets Good

        How Do You Know You’re Being Unrealistic?

          You feel it in your body, or your mental state, or your mood. You feel overwhelmed, like you’re not achieving what you need or want to achieve. You rail against things.

          I have been trying to head into a full time life online without closing out the obligations from my former life. Sometimes you need to be realistic in your expectations of what you actually achieve, and focus on the priorities (especially ones impacting others).

          I realised I fell for the trap of the excitement and possibilities of the new and compared that to the drudgery of the admin of the old that I’d let slide.

          Time to stop being a child.

          I’m making plans for 2014 and they get clearer everyday.

          I am now consciously putting implementation on hold until I complete outstanding issues. Then I can kick off 2014 with an actionable plan, free of guilt or mental encumbrance. Fresh!

          Had IRead More »How Do You Know You’re Being Unrealistic?

          planning IM

          Are You Really Doing Enough?

            I’m in the process of putting my plans into play for 2014. Doing a little research around that, I came across a post on the Warrior Forum where a guy admitted that it took him 7, yes, seven years to get into the solid 5 figures … while holding down his day job!

            Now I don’t know about you, but I was impressed. Consistency is one of the keys to winning in business and this guy had worked, learned, implemented and improved as he went without giving up. His eye was on the prize – to replace his employment income, and he was in sight of doing that.

            Personally, I find my motivation surges and wanes and the overwhelm and lack of clarity can get the better of me. But it IS about staying the course and plugging away in a progressive manner.

            This guy claims to have had no plan. I call furfyRead More »Are You Really Doing Enough?

            Have You Planned For 2014?

              A few days ago I created this meme. [My nephew loves Buzz so that image captured my attention :)] In the corporate world, I plan at least 3 months ahead. The other day I realised I hadn’t planned for next year in terms of my online business – and it was less than 6 weeks away! By then, I will be available more to build my internet presence and income so I need to get things underway. How about you?