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Get Better Ranking in YouTube: SEO Trick

    Here’s a really cool technique to increase the chance of getting your YouTube videos to page one in Google. I’ve heard of this method before but now the steps are clear in this video:

    1. choose a four-word keyword phrase that has thousands of searches
    2. make a short 2-3 minute video on the topic with a call to action to go to your website
    3. upload the video to YouTube
    4. do something special with the title, description and tags
    5. add some more seo, get likes, shares, ping etc
    6. sit back and see if it works!

    My notes from the vid:

    • Title – up to maximum of 12 words in title. Use the 4-word keyword phrase AND 3 word keyword phrase repeating 3 of the 4 words AND another 3 word keyword phrase repeating 3 other of the 4 keywords . Example BEST JALAPENO CHILLI RECIPES – BEST CHILLI RECIPES – BEST JALAPENO RECIPES
    • When producing your video, include Captions and Callouts –Read More »Get Better Ranking in YouTube: SEO Trick