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online marketing

What Do I Need to Know To Build An Online Business?

    Forget all the hype and flamboyant promises. Here is an online business in a nutshell:

    1. you need to sell something
    2. what you sell needs to be something people want and/or need
    3. for them to buy from you they need to get to know you
    4. for them to get to know you you need a way to contact them
    5. for them to give you their details you need to have them find you

    It’s not so different to a traditional business, really.  The principles are the same and you have probably heard these lines before:

    “Nothing happens until you make a sale” (point 1)

    “People buy on emotion and purchase on logic” ie they rationalise their gut reaction (point 2)

    “People buy from people they know,Read More »What Do I Need to Know To Build An Online Business?

    The Secret of Success Online

      I love reading success stories, don’t you? Inspirational. Optimistic. Hopeful.

      I came across a post on Yaro starek’s blog I was intrigued by how his colleague had come to enjoy the success he had. I have a theory.

      When I was purely focused on bricks-and-mortar business and earning a living from that, I used to teach people starting up new businesses.  They were all starry-eyed and enthusiastic about the prospect of their future. They were excited about their product or service.  And as I glanced around the room as I was training them I could tell with a certain degree of certainty who were the ones most likely to succeed and who was going to struggle and probably not survive at all.

      One of the indicators for success was

      (a) if they had a family member who had a sucessful business and

      (b) if they had previous experienceRead More »The Secret of Success Online

      Facebook engagement

      Key Tips on Managing Facebook Engagement

        People are using Facebook increasingly for business and many are wondering why they are having trouble getting noticed and so commented/liked and shared.

        Here are a few things to focus on to make sure your page improves.

        1. How many posts do you actually talk about yourself? Doing this occasionally is good – people get to see the personality of your business – but talking more than 1 in 5 posts about yourself can become wearying for your audience.
        2. Remember that this is a social network so be social, not one-way. Encourage communication and make sure you comment on peoples comments or at least like them. Remember to like their posts too.
        3. Create engaging posts – PostPlanner has some good starters for free on their site and if you look around you can be creative in how to get people talking – polls, questions, controversy, news stories, sharing fun videos .. once you ‘get it’ you’ll findRead More »Key Tips on Managing Facebook Engagement

        Secrets of Online Marketing – Part 1

          There are lots of people who have been working at online marketing (aka internet marketing) and have become jaded by the stories they hear of fabulous riches lying just at the end of your mouse making money while you sleep or play in the sun in Acapulco. 

          020416_1442_0018_nsmsHow true is it that people actually make a good living let alone a millionaire lifestyle from marketing on the internet?

          The secret seems to be that yes, it does happen. But just like every copy boy can not become Rupert Murdoch or every every country girl become a Governor General like Quentin Bryce, not every person on the internet can make it to the top of the earning pyramid.

          What can you do to even get half-way or quarter way up the pyramid?

          Do what they do. Know what they know. Model others who areRead More »Secrets of Online Marketing – Part 1