How To Be Productive in an Online Business
A baker needs to make cakes and pastries to sell as product.
If no product is on the cake stand or in the shop window, it’s going to be hard to sell anything.
Especially, if your ‘product idea’ is a lot of raw material all neatly stacked where it needs to be. Or maybe you’ve managed to put some of your raw materials together in readiness for launching your cake product. Maybe you’ve mixed some of the recipe but get distracted and never finish one cake before you pop across and play with another stack of raw materials. Perhaps you’ve actually got some biscuits in the oven ready to cook but forgot you had them in there.
You’re busy, but you’re just not producing anything saleable!
Sound familiar?
A lot of internet marketers are busy, They’re doing things. Just not necessarily the right things. Being productive is about producing!
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