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marketing calendar

Marketing To The Calendar

    I was just looking at a National Days Calendar.


    Who makes these up?


    There are some that have a worthwhile purpose. They serve to remind us of the importance of certain things, people or events. But National Dress Up Your Pets Day? I guess some just serve to remind us to have fun!

    The question for a marketer is, how many of these dates do you include in your marketing calendar?

    You do have a marketing, plan and calendar, yes? You know, that slim document that tells you what you’ll promote and how throughout the year.

    New Year’s Day, Easter, Mothers Day etc are all common events that can inform your marketing. Ever heard of Cyber Monday? Knowing that it occurs gives you a milestone. If you want to promote a product for say Black Friday, you will need to have a chart of events that need to happen beforehand to be ableRead More »Marketing To The Calendar