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internet marketing


Creating a Sense of Urgency as a Sales Tactic

    When it comes to making more sales adding a sense of urgency can make all the difference. In this world of rapid attention spans and fleeting visitors, you need to grab your visitors eyeballs – fast. Creating that sense of urgency keeps visitors where you need them for a bit longer and that gives you more time to get your message across. Obviously there are many more elements to making sales than simply adding a sense of urgency, but it’s a tool every marketer can employ and if done right has the potential to increase sales. It’s like impulse buying Most things that we buy, we buy on impulse. We buy… Read More »Creating a Sense of Urgency as a Sales Tactic

    Internet Marketing: Run Your Own Race

      Helicopters are noisy beasts. Especially when you’re trying to make a video! The other day while on Sydney Harbour I did a quick video using the Sydney Marathon as a backdrop. My niece and great-nephew were running (he’s only 7 so they didn’t do the whole marathon!). The metaphor of running a race is well applied to internet marketing or running a business online. The question is, are you running against others or yourself? Are you comparing your performance to yourself for a Personal Best or comparing your performance against others and often feel you’re coming up short? When you work… Read More »Internet Marketing: Run Your Own Race

      Online Business: Spin The Plates

        Something you have to work out when you start in internet marketing is how you sort out the minefields of information and decide which ballpark you want to play in.

        If you scan through my categories list you’ll get an appreciation  for the many different ways you can create a presence online and earn an income through one or a combination of methods.

        If you are building a business, it pays to understand what each one of these areas is and does. But don’t get caught up trying them all – you’ll be doomed to failure.

        The trick is to choose one that may suit your capabilities and develop it to the point where you are employing the techniques to best effect and have started to generate an income. Then build it so it continues to generate with little extra effort before moving on to the nextRead More »Online Business: Spin The Plates

        super bowl 2014

        Take Advantage of the Super Bowl

          I’ve been watching how Barb Ling came up with an idea, grabbed some of her templates and in four days had put together an actionable information product, set up the upsells, downsells, autoresponders and affiliate programs across three platforms. I was exhausted watching her from afar doing it! I was also stoked that with laser focus one CAN be productive and profitable, even with juggling health challenges and family pressures – this is a great case study. Oh, and  was able to look at an advance copy of the product, which I did at 1.30 a.m mind you, and it… Read More »Take Advantage of the Super Bowl

          Internet Marketing is a Scam!

            Yep. Heard it before.

            In fact, my family still say it to me. Especially when I disappear for days on end setting up new sites.

            “What are you doing?”

            “Surely it can’t take that long!”

            “Why are you bothering anyway?”

            “Just get a real job!”  … Yeah, right!

            Love that last one. I’ve had a real job. Many of them. Now I run businesses. One offline. Many online.

            So, when you hear people saying this business is a scam, they may not be talking about people like you and me. They’re talking about the equivalent of the ‘used-car-salesman’ type of internet marketer and regrettably there’s more than enough of them around.

            This business is genuine. IF you are running it as a business. Flick the idea of “you can have a website up and running in 27 minutes pouring money into your account while you sleep”.

            Firstly, it isn’t going to happen that fast. Sure you can get a websiteRead More »Internet Marketing is a Scam!

            What Do I Need to Know To Build An Online Business?

              Forget all the hype and flamboyant promises. Here is an online business in a nutshell:

              1. you need to sell something
              2. what you sell needs to be something people want and/or need
              3. for them to buy from you they need to get to know you
              4. for them to get to know you you need a way to contact them
              5. for them to give you their details you need to have them find you

              It’s not so different to a traditional business, really.  The principles are the same and you have probably heard these lines before:

              “Nothing happens until you make a sale” (point 1)

              “People buy on emotion and purchase on logic” ie they rationalise their gut reaction (point 2)

              “People buy from people they know,Read More »What Do I Need to Know To Build An Online Business?