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getting started online

What Do I Need to Know To Build An Online Business?

    Forget all the hype and flamboyant promises. Here is an online business in a nutshell:

    1. you need to sell something
    2. what you sell needs to be something people want and/or need
    3. for them to buy from you they need to get to know you
    4. for them to get to know you you need a way to contact them
    5. for them to give you their details you need to have them find you

    It’s not so different to a traditional business, really.  The principles are the same and you have probably heard these lines before:

    “Nothing happens until you make a sale” (point 1)

    “People buy on emotion and purchase on logic” ie they rationalise their gut reaction (point 2)

    “People buy from people they know,Read More »What Do I Need to Know To Build An Online Business?