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2012 Social Media Resolutions

New Year Resolutions – Social Media

    Well here we are in mid-February and today I happened upon this site by researching what people intend to do with their social media tools this year. Makes for interesting reading. Seems most folk are separating out their personal and other contacts to share differently with. Many are being a little more discreet (although not sure that’s universal seeing some of the messages lately!)  Finally, more people intend to dedicate less time to their social media interactions. Me? I’m on Twitter, Facebook , Linked in and Foursquare. The last one I got caught up in early – the competitive side of… Read More »New Year Resolutions – Social Media

    Facebook engagement

    Key Tips on Managing Facebook Engagement

      People are using Facebook increasingly for business and many are wondering why they are having trouble getting noticed and so commented/liked and shared.

      Here are a few things to focus on to make sure your page improves.

      1. How many posts do you actually talk about yourself? Doing this occasionally is good – people get to see the personality of your business – but talking more than 1 in 5 posts about yourself can become wearying for your audience.
      2. Remember that this is a social network so be social, not one-way. Encourage communication and make sure you comment on peoples comments or at least like them. Remember to like their posts too.
      3. Create engaging posts – PostPlanner has some good starters for free on their site and if you look around you can be creative in how to get people talking – polls, questions, controversy, news stories, sharing fun videos .. once you ‘get it’ you’ll findRead More »Key Tips on Managing Facebook Engagement

      “I’m Going To Make Millions”

        How many conversations have I had with start-ups and budding entrepreneurs who think they have the NBT (next big thing) that will slay Google and Facebook and make them millions in a minute? This short animated vid is a priceless commentary on the ‘idea virus’ that people get caught up in. No one wants to rain on your parade if you have a brilliant idea. Just make sure you have a clear and logical plan that will get people to your site and will increase their desire to buy. Just sayin’