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Secrets of Internet Marketing – Part 2

    How do you get to that point?

    Provide VALUE. That is, something that the reader sees as value, not what you think (which is the price or it’s free – that’s not necessarily value). It’s about giving them content. You can give things away which provide value but avoid training people to be freebie seekers or they may never buy from you

    How many times a month should you email your subscribers?

    That’s a magic question that’s hotly debated. Want to know the answer? The answer is, it doesn’t matter so long as you are consistent. If you have subscribers and you are not keeping in contact regularly, then you may as well not have them on your database. They will have forgotten you or not have a high level of recognition and trust with you. Your relationship with them is tenuous.

    Just make sure you areRead More »Secrets of Internet Marketing – Part 2

    writing an email

    Email Marketing Tips for Autoresponders

      email marketing, autoresponder messageWriting up a series (or even one!) email broadcasts can be challenging. What do I write? What do I say? etc etc.

      Before you even start to write up your emails, ask yourself these three questions :

      1. Why am I writing anyway? What’s the purpose? What am I trying to achieve? Is it to have the reader click a link to something? To deliver content to the reader after they signed up for something? To build a relationship by following up on a conversation? Decide what your purpose in writing is and that will give you a clue as to where to start and finish. Oh, and always provide a link – to a sales page, a blog post, a website, a download or whatever. You want to train your readers to click on those links so make sure they are worthwhile.
      2. Who is your target reader? Who are you actually writing to?Read More »Email Marketing Tips for Autoresponders
      extract email address from outlook

      Outlook Email Addresses: All the Tricks

        I wrote about this guy and his post a few years back and I find I still have to remind myself to go there when I need sorting out with my Outlook issues. Popped back there today as I need to clean up Outlook again and noticed he has updated and extended the tricks and techniques to grab your email addresses from Outlook (if you’ve been naughty and not saving to address book as you go!) as well as : extract email addresses in bulk extract email addresses from folders and sub-folders remove duplicates extract all attachments in one go search for an… Read More »Outlook Email Addresses: All the Tricks

        Use Outlook As an Autoresponder

          I was trying to think of a quick and easy way to get a bonus to people in return for them providing a review on one of my websites. I didn’t want to have to setup landing pages and thank you pages and all the rest because I already have them on my database list. Auntie Google to the rescue. or Very clear step-by-step instructions on how to set Outlook up to automatically deliver a message (and in my case an attachment) to people who send an email to a specific email address. I used a subject line based… Read More »Use Outlook As an Autoresponder