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How To Write Your Book: Eat An Elephant (Pt 1)

    “They” always say that to eat an elephant, take one bite at a time.

    Whoever eats elephants anyway?

    The principle holds true, though. If you have a big hairy task in front of you that seems onerous and huge, start somewhere and start small.

    So it is with writing a  book.

    1-day-ill-write-a-book Here’s a method for getting it done in a relatively painless manner.

    1. Decide on your overall theme or overriding topic
    2. Break that up into a series of smaller themes or sub-topics
    3. Pick one sub-topic you know enough about or research one to gather information
    4. Write 10 – 20 pages on that sub-topic. That’s 3000-6000 words, give or take. Oh, and try to write it in ONE sitting. Clear your desk, your mind and your computer screen. DedicateRead More »How To Write Your Book: Eat An Elephant (Pt 1)