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article writing

article writing

Writing Articles – Is It Still Good for Business?

    “Article writing is dead!” “You can’t get business that way anymore.” “It doesn’t help you get visitors to your site.” So say the heretics who still think of article writing as subbing pieces to places like etc. True, it might be a while since you’ve seen any articles pop up in a search that derive from EZA or other similar sites. Truth is though that when you know how to do it right, article writing is still a valid and valuable activity. Back in the day (and sadly some still do this), some folks would write one article and pump… Read More »Writing Articles – Is It Still Good for Business?

    How To Use PLR Articles and Books

      You would think in a world full of information that more data is the last thing we need. Yet the Internet doesn’t use gas – it uses content to keep it running. There is always a demand for fresh new content. Here are a few ideas on how you can utilise existing Private Label Rights and turn it into new and more products… Work off the table of contents when you re-write PLR. This enables you to get the skeleton for your new ebook … and then fill in the rest. Change up the headings but you could use the general topic structure. Grab… Read More »How To Use PLR Articles and Books