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SEO and Rankings

    Finding the ‘best’ ways to get your site ranked in search engines is like a dark art in many ways …  so much advice, and much of it dated.

    Today I came across these guys who seem to have cracked the jackpot for one their sites.

    They give some of their tips and techniques but a fair bit is missing like the intricacies of how they tweaked the Thesis theme to get the most juice from it.


    SEO is not one of my strengths, I’ll admit.

    Every day is a learning opportunity.

    Learn a bit. Apply a bit. Learn a bit more. Apply a bit more.

    At the end of the month I’m going to run a webinar asking two guys who have a solid grip on SEO for their best knowledge and ideas.

    I’ll keep you posted on the details.

    In the meantime, jot down any questions you might have in the ‘comments’ section.

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