Eat That Frog – Time Management
Cute, isn’t he?
Why is it that the phrase is to get the monkey off your back when you’ve got an outstanding issue that is hanging around but to eat the frog when you need to do the thing you don’t want to do? Maybe that’s the elephant in the room! Ok, I’ll stop mixing metaphors.
Maybe eating a frog is less unappealing than eating a monkey.
Either way, I’m in the position of having to eat something.
For the past two months I’ve been avoiding a couple of unpleasant / uninteresting / too-difficult tasks. Tasks relating to closing off my previous business. I really can’t avoid them forever, as much as the child in me wants to! They just HAVE to get done and no amount of wishing and hoping on my part will make them go away or obviate the need to do them.
So, today is the day.
Today I get to eat thatRead More »Eat That Frog – Time Management