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how to write copy

How To Write Great Copy

    Writing sales-letters is not something even I relish. My years in Advertising Copywriting served me well but in that game, our copy had to fit a space limit or, in the case of radio or TV, a time limit. So we learned to be economical with words, to make them count. In the web world, there are no such restrictions. A piece of copy can be as long as you need it to be to get attention and elicit action from the reader. Having said that. there are some generally accepted ‘rules’ to follow in creating a sales letter to… Read More »How To Write Great Copy

    Stop Procrastinating. Start Doing – Now!

      When you are in business, it’s really easy to get busy. There’s an endless stream of activities to do and lots of things vie for your attention. And one day you step back and realise you’re busting your butt and getting nowhere and you still haven’t got those projects off the ground. You notice the date you first thought about those projects and time between then and now just seems to have disappeared.

      Sometimes you want to be fully ready and prepared before you start, you want be sure you’ve researched and analysed and arrived at the best solution. At times you want to not start until you’re sure you know what you’re doing. Or, you want to start but you don’t know where or how to!

      Perfectionism, ignorance, lack of clarity … there are lots of reasons why we fail to started on projects.

      If like me you tend to procrastinateRead More »Stop Procrastinating. Start Doing – Now!

      Spin Those Articles

        One of the key elements to building traffic is to write articles and publish them over the web. ALL over the web.  There are major reasons to do this. Here are two reasons:

        1. build credibility and reputation as an expert

        2. generate a supply of backlinks to increase your search engine ranking

        So how do you write a host of articles to link back to your site? Won’t that take an inordinate amount of time, let alone the ability to come up with an endless supply of articles and titles? Well, yes … and, no.

        If you wrote ALL your articles by hand you’d be a very busy bunny. To get decent backlinks you’ll be needing hundreds of articles in a host of different article directories and locations to get enough ‘link juice’. Or, you can simply rewrite some of those articles to quickly generate a number of ‘unique’ articles. Now here’s the trick.Read More »Spin Those Articles

        How To Write Better

          Ok so here’s the deal. I’m checking out this new gizmo to really motivate the writing habit.

          See, people on forums and blogs that I read are invariably fessing up about the fact that they know they have to write / love to write / want to write but just don’t do it. For whatever reason.

          It could be that ‘blank sheet = blank mind’ kind of thing.

          Or maybe they have so many ideas popping into their head they don’t know where to start.

          For some it’s a matter of not feeling worthy ‘but so many people have written about this before and so much better, what have I got to contribute, who’d want to hear me say it” or some other variation of self doubt.

          The whole point being that either people then procrastinate before actually getting the writingRead More »How To Write Better

          ** Tech Tip For The Day **

            Secure Browsing Not sure about you, but I reckon I take the web for granted these days. I shouldn’t. Nor should you. The proliferation of bots and general baddies who are looking to steal your information, logins and even your identity means we need to stop being complacent. Any line of defense we can put in place to protect our online experience is good IMHO. That’s why I was glad to find this little tool that makes your regular browsing that little bit more secure. Grab ‘HTTPS Everywhere’ add-on for FireFox or Chrome. Adding that extension will help you to… Read More »** Tech Tip For The Day **

            Membership Sites – Learning Set 1

              I’ve been focusing on building membership sites lately. They serve a real purpose for my offline businesses. Not knowing much about them I enrolled in a program with a couple of young guns who have a good handle on this space.  The course is great  I’ve learned a lot already but I’ve also noted some issues that come with running these sites.

              In this case, the guys put the course together from a live class which was conducted over a period. Now they have reopened the course to (what’s the opposite to ‘live? not appealing!) … let’s say a canned class. That is our program is not live but we use the same material that was derived for the original group. No issue with that  – leveraging product for income is perfectly fine.

              But here are the things that, as a consumer, I notice.

              The first issue is that many of the comments areRead More »Membership Sites – Learning Set 1