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Just Do It: Make a Product

    It wasn’t that difficult, after all.

    Facing a four and a half hour drive during the day annoys me.

    Not the driving itself: the lack of productivity involved is what gets me. There’s not a lot you can do when your hands are glued to the steering wheel and you need to be alert and focused.

    Or is there?

    About an hour into the drive, when I’d exhausted the phone calls I needed to make (thank you Siri!), it struck me…

    I’d seen a video by Peng Joon who was tied to his car for an hour or so driving to a conference. So he rigged up his equipment and punched out a one hour video during the drive.

    Inspired by that, I plugged my iPhone into the phone holder on the windscreen, clicked on the video and switched the lens to record from the front.


    I was now in production mode!

    A couple of minutes to gather myRead More »Just Do It: Make a Product

    Plan Your Business Marketing

      Marketing is something we know we need to do but sometimes it falls behind all the other stuff, like tidying up the website, getting sales material written, blogging, preparing content etc. I must have reviewed and copied and downloaded a hundred different marketing plans and I’ve used (and taught) quite a few. But for simplicity, it’s hard to go past Paula Stafford’s, reproduced here: “Here’s my really simple marketing plan. 1. Create your product or service. 2. Be friendly to people and socialize. 3. Blog about your product or service. 4. Get on Twitter and Facebook. Talk about you, your product and… Read More »Plan Your Business Marketing

      Connect Your World: IFTTT Does It

        When you’re active online, keeping everything together can be a challenge. I’ve just discovered IFTTT which is an exciting and brilliant service that cuts across all your online environments to hook them up. You can even set reminders, automate posts, and so much more . There are some limitations but its potential is huge. I’m only just starting out with it so love to hear how others have used it. IFTTT? If that then this – an acronym for the logical statement the app is based upon. How can you use it? Find out for yourself at… Read More »Connect Your World: IFTTT Does It

        Membership Sites – Learning Set 2

          Ok, so I’m now into a few weeks of my course on learning to set up member sites.

          I have fallen into the trap many of us do and set up a few but perfected none. So when setting up a site, here’s my suggestion:

          1. work out what you want the site for – who are the audience, what are you providing and what’s the overall purpose.

          2. decide on some details such as how often you will post, what you will post, where you will get your posts from

          3. set up some basic icons or graphics if you want to use them eg for downloads, commenting etc

          4. set up a schedule, especially if others are posting, so you have it all covered.

          Here’s something else I’ve learned.

          Teaching software installation and configuration is not as easy as proviidng the sftware and showing how to do it on a video. Things can go wrong andRead More »Membership Sites – Learning Set 2

          Tool of the Day

            Improving website performance is not the top of the list for bloggers – we tend to focus more on content. Yet today I came across a site that not only gives an analysis of your site performance but gives great info on why you need to fix the areas falling short and even does some of the work for you – just cut and paste fixes to css, html and htaccess files. Definitely made an improvement to my site loading time on one of my blogs. Check it out – no affiliation –

            Creating a Product in 4 Hours or less

              Creating product for the web is really a heap easier than people think. Fear is what stops most. Counter fear with action! Just start and you’ll find it almost creates itself once you get going. Caleb learnt lots of good techniques from Jason Fladlien and shares his methods here. Which one thing will you do right now to implement this information? Go do it!