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Organize and Set Up Your Membership Site Properly

    When you’re thinking about what content you’re going to add to your one month, six month, twelve month, or even longer membership site, you might be wondering how are you going to keep it all organized and how is anyone going to be able to find the information they’re looking for when they login to your site and see all the content you have added. That’s why I want to share three easy tips you can apply to any present or future membership site, right now, to make it more organized and easier to access.

    First, group your content into modules. Label them for example 101, 102, 103 and so on. Cross reference your content by having posts in multiple categories at the same time. Create a dashboard page and have a search widget so anyone can access all the information at any time.

    One of the first things I do in a membership site is I will name the different categories or modules. For example, I might have a membership site that teaches list building, product creation and membership sites. What I will do is create a category called 101: List Building. Another category called 102: Product Creation. A third category called

    101: Membership Sites. When I group my content into these categories and someone joins the site they can easily jump to the list building, product creation or membership site categories, but they can also see that I’ve managed to group them in a logical, step by step, order.

    It’s not enough to just assign your post to a 101, 102, 103 category, we also need to make it easy for people to jump to various assignments, bonuses or core training. That’s when I will create categories called training, bonus and assignment. When I make a new post I usually assign it to two categories or more. I’ll make a post and I’ll say this belongs to the 102: Product Creation category and it also belongs to the Assignment category. This way anyone who logs into the site can view just one module at a time or view all the assignments in all the modules. That way the site is cross referenced.

    One other thing that’s easy to do is create a page that links to every single post and page in your site. You can get creative with this, I prefer to create graphical icons for each of my posts or categories and create a table in the page that links to the various parts of the site. This makes it easy for anyone to jump to any part of the site.

    Finally, one final finishing touch, is to go into the appearance widgets menu in the WordPress dashboard and add a search box. That way if someone doesn’t understand the organization of the site they can type their question in the search box and usually find the content they’re looking for.

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