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Generating Leads Online – 42 Ways

    get more traffic and leads

    If you have any kind of business online, you want traffic. The kind of traffic that passes, slows and steps right in. Once they’re in, it’s up to you to encourage them to buy. Getting that traffic is critical in the starting-out stage of running an online business. Keeping it also important. Kicking it up a notch when things start to slow is also key.

    People kind of get used to doing the same old things the same old way and wonder why things don’t change in terms of getting new business. Surprise. You need to change things up a bit to get fresh eyeballs on your wares.

    In no particular order here are a bunch of ideas for how to get more leads, get more traffic and get more sales that should spark a few synapses for you to get more activity happening.

    1add a quiz to your website to engage people
    2add drop in opt in forms to your website via drip or sumo
    3add high-value comments to others blogs
    4add images to your tweets
    5ask customers for testimonials and publish these
    6ask for endorsements from influencers for your product
    7combine old blog posts and publish an ebook as a giveaway
    8connect with influencers through social media avenues
    9connect your content to hot trending news stories
    10convert a blog post to a video on youtube
    11convert a video to text and share on scribd
    12create cool infographics that can be shared
    13create more videos on youtube, vimeo etc
    14cross link with people who have the same audience as you but a different product
    15distribute your content on sites like slideshare and scribd
    16donate a portion of sales to a charity and promote that
    17encourage your list to post on your social networks
    18engage directly with your audience through forums, comments, chats, replies
    19find new platforms to publish your content on
    20find podcasters in your niche and offer to be a guest on their show
    21get in touch with ‘cold’ prospects
    22get involved in online communities and freely share information
    23get known on quota for answering questions
    24go over your blog posts and check they are all search engine optimised well
    25hold a pop-up event on Facebook Live
    26include a call to action in your thank you page
    27interview influencers in your market space and post them
    28join a cause and post about that e.g. shave for leukaemia
    29make your access points mobile friendly to enable sharing
    30make your embedded signature work for you
    31offer to do guest posting on others blogs
    32register as a source on news sites
    33repost old quality posts from your blog
    34see if your customers have things you can promote
    35send more emails to your list but not all salesy ones
    36send your email updates to your social networks
    37set up a regular podcast through iTunes
    38set up an alert with your website and name so you can respond to mentions
    39share your successes, results, case studies
    40upgrade your text content to include shareable images, videos etc
    41use hashtags in your social media posts
    42use linked in to publish content and find potential leads

    I’m sure there are more!

    The point is, if you are not getting enough leads look about for what you can do to generate fresh interest and new leads. Two key areas of focus are using your existing material in new ways, and, market differently to your existing database of contacts.

    Which of the above work well for you?

    What other ideas do you have?

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