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    webfolio, slider setup,

    Webfolio is a free wordpress theme but it’s instructions aleave a little to be desired in parts. As I discover things I am writing them up here for others to benefit.

    The Slider on the Front page

    webfolio, slider setup,




    Firstly, make sure you have the right features turned on. In WordPress go over to the top right of your screen and you’ll see “Screen Options”.  Make sure you have “Featured Image”, “Excerpt” and Custom Fields” each ticked.

    Now, after you’ve written your post (it doesn’t work on pages, just posts) and decided you want this post featured in the slider, do the following…

    This is all done while you’re in the “Add New Post” window

    1. Get your image ready – it needs to be 600w x 337h (pixels)
    2. Load your image through left navigation media item
    3. Go below the post box  to ‘Custom Fields’ and add
      1. featured with value = 1
      2. featured_image with value = your image url location
      3. note, the fields will be in the drop down box; your image url location will be your domain name and the directory tree and the name of the file eg ‘’
    4. Move over to the far right in the sidebar and select  ‘set featured image
    5. Add text to the excerpt field below – put a description of what the image is about as a teaser for people to click and read
    6. Move over to the far right again, click “Publish” and you’re done!


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