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7 More Tips To Easily Get Ideas and Create Hot Products: 2 of 5

    Creating your own information products seems really daunting at first but once you get into the swing of it, it becomes fun and you realise that you are providing useful information for your audience.

    The biggest challenge people seem to have in creating information products is in coming up with good ideas.

    My series this week is designed to give you lots of neat ideas you can use. Each day you can pick one idea and make use of it.

    Here is today’s pick. Notes below the video.

    1. Find a specific niche. Consider an area that is a little unique and will meet the needs of a target market that is not being catered for. Go back to those hobbies, your local area or other ideas we covered yesterday to pinpoint one market area that’s overlooked.
    2. Watch television. Really. Not mindlessly for hours but those infomercials are useful. Thousands of dollars  are spent on those. Notice the product, target audience and niche – they might give you some ideas.
    3. Listen to talk-back radio. Not so much for the commentator but really pay attention to people who call in. They will tell you their problems – create a product for them. Also notice the ads – they may hold some ideas for a product too.
    4. Become a journalist and start asking people questions. If you have an idea of what type of product people want you can dig deeper to find what they are trying to achieve. That may lead you to a product – turn what they want into a reality.
    5. Research, research, research. Start by looking at other information products available online and deconstruct them. See what they cover and what they miss out!
    6. Surf the net. Lots of ways there that you can find what people are searching for most often and develop a product around what would meet their needs.
    7. Research related keywords. This will give you deeper insight into what people search for and the ways they search for it which can not only help you put together a product but write the sales copy!

    Bonus Tip

    An easy way if you are struggling for ideas is to find a product that is already selling well. Don’t just be a “me too” provider.
    Work out how to make a new version that does the same thing, only much better.

    Want to find super-smart ways to research a likely product idea to make sure it’s a winner? Go to my blog post for more …

    16 thoughts on “7 More Tips To Easily Get Ideas and Create Hot Products: 2 of 5”

    1. Mel,
      I always find great tips here to get my wheels turning. I love that you think out of the box to brainstorm ideas. And its always interesting when and where inspiration will strike. 🙂

    2. With all the wonderful tips you’re dishing out here, I can see ONE person won’t have a problem doing the product creation challenge when it goes live. 🙂

    3. Great information Melanie! I thought you said you were taking some time off? You’ve been so diligent in maintaining your posts. Love that schedule feature. 🙂

      Developing a product can be difficult. In fact, most things dealing with marketing online can be difficult if you’ve never been exposed to how it works.

      But I must say, when you have information like this to help guide you, it makes it easier, and the more you follow these steps, the better you become!

      Thanks for sharing.

    4. More excellent tips, Mel. I’ve never considered some of these, like watching the TV commercials. Mind you, we tend to skip them since we always watch catchup TV over live TV.

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